I don't know about you, but I know a lot of entrepreneurs. I regularly interact with a stream of people that are proactive, hard working, and have great vision. I hear about concepts, product ideas, and plans that seem promising and rewarding YET, I have not ever met one single person that ever mentioned their desire to be a farmer. I met Le Nay Ferme Founder, Clinton Felsted, at the dinner I attended last year. He was obviously passionate about what he was doing and his interest in it's success was contagious. Their mission is simple:
I love how simply their mission is laid out. La Nay Ferme has a goal to provide something unique and wonderful for Utah County. I've always known farming was a labor of love, I just never honestly considered it a labor of love for the modern time. Perhaps I've lived too long it cities, perhaps I've spent too few hours at the Farmer's Markets, or perhaps I just haven't had the pleasure of spending time with anyone so dedicated to making a difference in this way. If you're not already converted, just watch beautifully made representation of their goal:
You can start by becoming a member of their CSA, or community-shared agriculture program. Doing this provides you an opportunity to purchase their produce on a 12 week, 4 week, or even a weekly basis. If that commitment is a struggle for you, or if you just want a peek into what's available from the farm, you can even consider purchasing from their on-site Market.
You may also want to consider taking a tour of the farm. The beauty of the scenery is unmatched and it's inspiring to see first hand the work and care being put into this project. Not to mention the fun promotion you can partake in if you get over there this month.

Additionally, keep an eye on their Farm to Table Dinner schedule. It's nothing like you've ever done and something you'll want to do as soon as the weather warms up.
So, wanna win a weekly share? Yes, yes you do.
Enter via the myriad of options below. Winner will be awarded one week's share from the La Nay Ferme CSA program, valued at $29.87!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am all about energy and I love knowing that the food is grown with love! <3
ReplyDeleteI've bought produce from farms before. It's always great to get it fresh & local!
ReplyDeleteYEs! I love buying from local farmers and appreciate knowing both where my food comes from and that I'm supporting a local family.
ReplyDeleteI definitely want to try this! Local and fresh produce are so important to us and we haven't participated in something like this yet!
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to try this for so long. Yes, I've bought things from a farm before. In fact, one of my friends is a farmer, and, bless her, when I can't make it to the farmers' market in the summer, she's been known to drop off some fresh basil and other things she knows I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI have bought at the fruit and vegetables stands on the side of the road, but that is it. I would love to try this. helpmesave at lots2save dot com
ReplyDeleteThis sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeletei but from farms all the time!
ReplyDeleteI love buying local produce!
ReplyDeleteI love this! Would love to attend one of the dinners!!
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to attend one of their dinners!
ReplyDeleteOnly from farms that share their goods at farmers markets! :)
ReplyDeleteTake a gander at the land assets that you have on your little homestead and perceive how you can enhance or use them.nanotechnology Orlando FL