
From Evidently & Either Way to linzlinzlinz

Long long ago (like 6th grade) I began writing my name as Linz. In my obviously well developed 12 year old brain, I figured this somehow made me that much cooler.

Speed ahead way too many years and I'm still using it. Perhaps now, it's laziness, but it's just easier. I don't sign my legal papers with it, but it works in a lot of other realms.

Today marks another cool shift. I finally purchased the domain and I'm no longer using my old blog identity of Evidently & Either Way.

I'm embarrassed to say that it's taken me this long. What would I have done if someone had beat me to it?

Let's not talk about that.

Mostly today I wanted to give a shout-out to my lovely friend Sarah. She's found at Bloggers Help Desk and Tech 4 Moms. In a matter of moments she fixed my problems (life problems and blog problems) and helped me do something I've been needing and meaning to do for years.

I love Sarah Kimmel. You should too.


  1. Hi! Congrats on the move! Sarah also helped me with my blog. She is fabulous! It took her a mere 5 minutes to do what would have taken me hours to muddle my way through (and in the end I'd still be wondering if I'd done it right). I feel pretty lucky to know so many smart and talented people like you and Sarah!

    PS - I don't normally use so many exclamation points. I guess I just get excited talking about you guys!

    1. What's wrong with exclamation points????!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats on the move! Love it! Oh...and I ALWAYS use so many exclamation points. ;) I'll be stocking you!


  3. Sarah rocks off faces. This looks great!

  4. Hi!I love your name! I've been calling my Lindsay, "Lindz" for years... it would have been so much easier to drop the "d"!Love your site - it's so groovy!

    1. I love that you have a Linds(a)(e)y too. I had forgotten you told me that at EVO. You have impeccable taste in names!

  5. Congratulations! Can't wait to read all you do here.

    1. This is a good reminder that I need to DO stuff :)
